Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wise Words #1 - Tom Hays & Greg Hull on the Swing

As both a vaulter and a coach, I have been inspired and taught by many different people - coaches, athletes, kids, business people, parents, and friends. Sometimes it is helpful to hear something in the words of another person. So this is the beginning of a new series called Wise Words. Each Wise Words will be me sharing with you the wise words of someone else.

For wise words #1 we have Coach Tom Hays from the University of Kansas and Elite PV Coach Greg Hull taking about the swing. I actually just came across this. There is so much garbage - bad advice - on the internet about how to pole vault. Sometimes I feel up for the challenge and I go on a quest to find something valuable. It takes a lot of sifting through incorrect information, but today I found something that I think is really well put.

We have developed takeoffs in the last few months and lately I have been working with Rachel Z, Hannah T. and Kayla on their swings... this information is for you girls. The gist of the swing - maybe hearing Greg Hull describe it will settle in with you!

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