Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pole Vault Treasure Trove

Today I want to share with you the best facebook site that has ever existed. The site is put together by David Butler, pole vault coach at Rice University, and expert technician. He has what must be the world's greatest collection of pole vault material - photographs, films, & cartoons. And he is sharing it with everyone on his facebook page  The Vault: how bamboo, steel, and fiberglass changed our lives

It is a fabulous collection of the past and present history of pole vault. Check out the site and be sure to KEEP LOOKING! His collection is endless and never repeats. Some of my favorite things are some of his first posts, so keep looking back into earlier posts. Take the time to read some of the comments as well. He has a lot of good vaulters from the past commenting and discussing what it was like to jump back then - with bamboo poles and landing in sawdust! Their stories are priceless.

Here are a couple of my favorites.

Think your school's pit is bad!? Check that out!  See the comments here.

Or that! See it here.

Amazing! What are your favorites?

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