Thursday, August 28, 2014

A NEW YEAR!! Track Season 2014-15 HERE WE COME!

I hope everyone has had a great first week of school! This has been my first year back in school as a Mom, and it has been crazy! I am hosting a forign exchange student from Germany and so we are jumping into kindergarten and high school at the same time. Lots of paperwork, parent meetings, and a bit of "working" (fighting) with counselors. I now feel for you parents!

BUT... hopefully you have made it through the worst of it and you are itching to pole vault again! I know I can't wait to get back out to the track coaching! We have an exciting year coming up. Hannah, Zandy, and Noah have all put in a solid foundational year last year. They are all ready build on that foundation this year and take it to new heights!

A quick update from the summer meets:

Noah and Hannah both had a succesful summer season, both with big PRs!

All in all, Hannah raised her PR last from 11' to 12'3" !! The exclamation marks are there 1- because I am proud of her and 2- because I know there is SO MUCH MORE in the tank and I am SO excited to see it come together this year!!  Watch out collegiate pole vaulting, Hannah will be a fierce competitor this year!

Noah also raised his PR from 8' from the previous season to 10'9" this summer! (Both Hannah and Noah were setting personal records at the Quintana Beach Vault at the same time on different pits... it was a good meet!) Noah had a great season, AND has had an even better breakthrough summer so I can't wait to build off of that this coming year! He is a freshman this year, so high school track here he comes!

Zandy didn't get to compete in any summer meets, but has been training well through the summer. She will be the speedy one on the runway this year. Keep an eye out for her, she will be jumping higher!

New Athletes:
We will also have a couple new athletes join us this year. Jordan is joining us from Houston Baptist University. He will be a junior there and is making a switch from the 800m to the decathlon. I have been thrilled at his level of technical control and body awareness. He is already a fabulous athlete and learns quickly so he is a ton of fun to coach. This will be one decathlete who pole vaults like a VAULTER! 

Then Saskia will also be joining us. She is from Germany and staying with me for a year. She is a great vaulter, with a PR of 11'8". She brings a lot of experience, and a LOT of passion for the event! She will make a great addition to our team.

High Level Athletes:
 I am very pleased with our team outlook this year. All my athletes are high level athletes - they are performing well for their age, and they are committed to the event... and LOVE IT! This will be a GREAT group to train together!  I am excited not just for me, but for you ATHLETES, a great training group is worth a million bucks!

Looking for more:
This year we are also looking to recruit some more beginners to join us! We would like to add an additional beginner session to our schedule. If you know any one who wants to give it a try send them my way or bring them to a practice. If you know any fierce, speedy, or tough athletes - gymnasts, divers, volleyball, soccer, or basketball players, or anyone else - Tell them how much you LOVE POLE VAULT! Those of you who are the only vaulters at your school (or the only serious vaulters) recruit some team mates for yourself -  they will be a great help to you at the meets in the spring and they will keep the program going at your school.

In addition to teaching YOU how to reach your potential and jump higher, a main goal of mine is to build Pole Vault in this area into a very visible sport and to provide the opportunity for kids to pole vault as a serious, well educated athlete.

It's going to be a good year! Practice will start next week - this first week of September. Dates & times can be found on the Practice Page here.

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